The PB Guide to Using Your Files
Before we get into the exciting details about when to use the various files, it is important to discuss the two key types of files.
CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (CMYK) is used for print products. This is based on the four color printing process that, while printing, applies small colored dots to the page.
RGB - Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) represents the various colored lights that we see on our screens. You use RGB images and graphics anytime you are putting anything on the web, social media, or any other digital media.
Now it is important to discuss the various types of files out there. There are many, many more, but these are the most popular and important for you to make sure to understand when placing files.
JPEG - JEPGS are awesome and ideal for web and other digital fronts. They are a middle ground in terms of size and quality, which make them perfect for the web.
PNG - PNGS support transparency, meaning that they are perfect for instances where you may need to overlay elements on the web - such as icons or buttons. They also support a wide array of colors, which can be needed depending on your graphic.
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a useful file type for web purposes as well. This file type is supported across most browsers and is really ideal for vector graphics to ensure smooth lines to let the work shine.
EPS - Similarly to SVG, EPS files are super helpful when it comes to printing your file. This will support the vector graphics. When placing a logo to print, for example, your EPS file is best suited to accomplish those needs.
To learn more in detail, please refer to this link for more information: (opens in a new tab)